Thursday, November 1, 2007

Bath Time

One of the first memories I have as young child involves my twin sister, Sarah. We were probably four or five years old, and at this point we were still taking baths together. I recall this being a fun bath, one which included splashing and playing with the various toys which bath time requires. It was nearing the end of our aquatic playtime when, suddenly, shockingly, Sarah proceeded to take a dump in the tub with me still in it. This must have upset her as she began to cry, saying there was a monster in the tub with us. I am assuming at that age our baths were being supervised, but I do not really remember my mother or father being present. But I can recall that at that point my parents did appear and remove us from the bathtub. My father drained the water until all that remained was the brown mound of fecal matter which he promptly removed with his bare hand. That bath will forever be burned into my memory. It was actually quite comical thinking back on it.


Anonymous said...

WOW...I don't think that ever happened to me. I use to have to take baths with on of my brothers when I was like 2 or 3 and stayed fighting. LOL.

Lightning15 said...

That's funny. I have never experienced anything like that but I would have laughed so hard that I would cry. When I was little, I tried to take off in the family car with my sister. I drove and she worked the pedals.